Because Writing On Here Is A Destresser

Since I have about 20 minutes to de-stress,,,, 

Yesterday, I got up in the morning and went to church, took part in the worship ministry there, worked a 6 hour shift, came back to my apartment, finished a video ad for an event me and my team have been planning, and spent 4 hours after that preparing logistically (power points, music, scripture, set outlines) for my worship team’s all-worship chapel for today.

My schedule today:
8-9 class
9-11 ministry
11-1 work
1-2 lunch/hw
2-3 class
3-4 class
4-5:30 work
5:30-6 dinner
6-7 cleaning/getting ready for work
7-11 work

I work from 10am-5pm tomorrow, room check is tomorrow night, I need to re-dye my hair like I’ve been saying for a week and a half now, and I’ve barely touched any homework aside from reading for class in over a week. I haven’t talked with my boyfriend all day. I’ve barely talked to my parents for more than 15 minutes in over two weeks.  I’m averaging 5 hours of sleep a night (that’s with oversleeping and snooze buttons) which is horrible for my chronic fatigue.  My allergies are getting worse, and all my medicine is doing is making me more groggy. I work 40 hours a week with two jobs on top of my full time class load and two ministries.  Plus, I’m PMSy.  And honestly, I’m okay right now.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not great. I want free time and relaxation and a back massage.  But I’m not breaking.  

Why? Honestly, I think it’s because I’m in the environment I’m in.   I really don’t have a lot of time for devotions, personal reading, digging into the word, and setting aside time for prayer right now.  But I have church, two worship ministries, 15 hours of Bible-saturated classes a week, two jobs that let me listen to worship music while I work, and Christ-loving family and friends who post Bible verses and Biblical truth on social media.  Honestly, without those things pointing me to God, I’d be falling apart right now.  Yes, I could very well snap any moment, but I don’t think I will.  This time is making me very aware of how fragile and easily breakable I am, but I’ve got my Solid Rock and I’m grounded right now.  I need Him more than ever and I’m seeing the fruits of turning to Him in my time of this crazy hectic life.

Off to work! 

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